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  讀經分享:使徒行傳27章22-26節 (Acts 27:22-26)  2022.08.29

22 現在我還勸你們放心,你們的性命,一個也不失喪,惟獨失喪這船。
23 因我所屬所事奉的神,他的使者昨夜站在我旁邊說:
24 保羅,不要害怕,你必定站在該撒面前,並且與你同船的人,神都賜給你了。
25 所以眾位可以放心,我信神他怎樣對我說:事情也要怎樣成就。
26 只是我們必要撞在一個島上。



禱告: 親愛的主耶穌,信心的功課由相信祢開始,我們把自己的一切都交在掌管萬事萬物的神的手中,相信神會保守我們遠離凶惡,充滿安穩,繼續向前行,因為神是信實的。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

Acts 27:22-26

Paul encountered shipwreck and he was able to comfort those in board. He told them that God had promised him that they would all be safe. He was sure that God would keep what He had promised, and things would happen as He said so.

This is faith. Paul was still in the midst of crisis but he trusted the Lord who is always faithful and His words never return empty. How about our faith ? Do we trust Him and will His promises be our comfort in times of need?

The lesson of faith starts when we believe and gives us security to move on for God is faithful.