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  讀經分享 : 馬可福音六章45-52節( Mark 6:45-52 )  2022.09.07

45 耶穌隨即催門徒上船,先渡到那邊伯賽大去,等他叫眾人散開。
46 他既辭別了他們,就往山上去禱告。
47 到了晚上,船在海中,耶穌獨自在岸上。
48 看見門徒,因風不順,搖櫓甚苦,夜裡約有四更天,就在海面上走,往他們那裡去,意思要走過他們去。
49 但門徒看見他在海面上走,以為是鬼怪,就喊叫起來。
50 因為他們都看見了他,且甚驚慌。耶穌連忙對他們說:你們放心,是我,不要怕。
51 於是到他們那裡,上了船,風就住了;他們心裡十分驚奇。
52 這是因為他們不明白那分餅的事,心裡還是愚頑。




Mark 6:45-52

Jesus dismissed the crowd after feeding them and the disciples were sent to their boat to get to Bethsaida. In the middle of the journey, the wind was against them and they were straining at the oars.
This image resembles our lives when we struggle and labour. Jesus at the shore, our Father in heaven knows our struggle and He is ready to deliver us.

Jesus walked on the sea to go to the disciples. What He wanted to do is to relieve the disciples from the wind. When He got into the boat, the wind died down. By the same token when we allow Jesus to enter our lives, we are relieved.

Let Jesus navigate for us by handing over our situations to Him, we will then find peace and relief.