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  讀經分享 : 創世記三章1-7節 ( Genesis 3:1-7 )  2022.09.14

1 耶和華神所造的,惟有蛇比田野一切的活物更狡猾。蛇對女人說:神豈是真說:不許你們吃園中所有樹上的果子嗎?
2 女人對蛇說:園中樹上的果子我們可以吃。
3 惟有園當中那棵樹上的果子,神曾說:你們不可吃,也不可摸,免得你們死。
4 蛇對女人說:你們不一定死;
5 因為神知道,你們吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你們便如神能知道善惡。
6 於是女人見那棵樹的果子好作食物,也悅人的眼目,且是可喜愛的,能使人有智慧,就摘下果子來吃了,又給他丈夫,他丈夫也吃了。
7 他們二人的眼睛就明亮了,纔知道自己是赤身露體,便拿無花果樹的葉子,為自己編作裙子。




Genesis 3:1-7

Adam and Eve were fully aware that they were forbidden to eat the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the only one tree forbidden. Yet when they were tempted to be like God, they were trapped into the sin of pride. In the end they had to leave the garden of Eden where God resigns and protects.

There are temptations everywhere especially nowadays in this godless world. If we are not aware of our nature of pride and overlook our dependence on God, we can easily fall into the trap of sins.

Sins sprout when we start to believe we are like God.