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  讀經分享 : 馬太福音16章24-28節 ( Matthew 16:24-28 )  2022.10.13

24 於是耶穌對門徒說:若有人要跟從我,就當捨己,背起他的十字架來跟從我。
25 因為凡要救自己生命的,〔生命或作靈魂下同〕必喪掉生命,凡為我喪掉生命的,必得著生命。
26 人若賺得全世界,賠上自己的生命,有甚麼益處呢?人還能拿甚麼換生命呢?
27 人子要在他父的榮耀裡,同著眾使者降臨,那時候,他要照各人的行為報應各人。
28 我實在告訴你們,站在這裡的,有人在沒嘗死味以前,必看見人子降臨在他的國裡。




Matthew 16:24-28

Jesus says: whoever wants to be My disciples will have to deny themselves, take up the cross and follow Me. This is a hard lesson. To deny ourselves is to give up what we desire and treasure. To take up the cross is even harder for it means suffering and losing, which is unwise from the worldly view.

The core of discipleship is to follow Christ. When we truly follow, we will trust and obey, by which giving up own desires and gains are profitable. We know that God has a plan and He will reward those who obey by the salvation of souls. It is not about gaining the worldly fortune but the saving of souls.

What good will it be to gain the world but forfeiting our souls ?