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  讀經分享 : 提摩太後書三章12-17節 ( 2 Timothy 3:12-17 )  2022.10.14

12 不但如此,凡立志在基督耶穌裡敬虔度日的,也都要受逼迫。
13 只是作惡的,和迷惑人的,必越久越惡,他欺哄人也被人欺哄。
14 但你所學習的,所確信的,要存在心裡,因為你知道是跟誰學的。
15 並且知道你是從小明白聖經,這聖經能使你因信基督耶穌有得救的智慧。
16 聖經都是神所默示的,〔或作凡神所默示的聖經〕於教訓,督責,使人歸正,教導人學義,都是有益的。
17 叫屬神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。


敬畏上帝並且竭力行在神的心意和教導中,就是真的敬虔。今天我們認真反思一下: 我們認識上帝的話嗎?我們願意真心聽從嗎?


2 Timothy 3:12-17

Paul reminded the young Timothy that all who desire to live a godly life will be persecuted. As the evildoers will deceive us, many believers will be deceived and taken away. How are people choosing to live a godly life? Godliness costs and it takes away many privileges and benefits. Therefore many believers choose to follow the world instead.

What do we mean by godliness? In simple terms it is knowing God’s words and following God’s ways. God let us have the Bible to follow and to learn through the Spirit. By so we will not be deceived and drifted away.

The world is full of evil and deception. To live a godly life is pleasing to God.