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  讀經分享 : 使徒行傳19章23-29節 ( Acts 19:23-29 )  2023.01.14

23 那時,因為這道起的擾亂不小。
24 有一個銀匠,名叫底米丟,是製造亞底米神銀龕的,他使這樣手藝人生意發達。
25 他聚集他們和同行的工人,說:眾位,你們知道我們是倚靠這生意發財。
26 這保羅不但在以弗所,也幾乎在亞西亞全地,引誘迷惑許多人,說:人手所作的不是神,這是你們所看見所聽見的。
27 這樣,不獨我們這事業,被人藐視,就是大女神亞底米的廟,也要被人輕忽,連亞西亞全地,和普天下,所敬拜的大女神之威榮,也要銷滅了。
28 眾人聽見,就怒氣填胸,喊著說:大哉以弗所人的亞底米阿。
29 滿城都轟動起來,眾人拿住與保羅同行的馬其頓人該猶,和亞里達古,齊心擁進戲園裡去。


我們所傳的福音是基督降世為人, 為人死在十字架上,是上帝的拯救,是人類的救贖。福音不是找好處、圖利益的途徑,福音是生命的拯救。真理叫我們知道神的愛,並把這愛傳開,卻不是藉福音叫我們這群信徒得着什麼利益和好處。



Acts 19:23-29

When the Words of the Lord propers, opposition comes. At the time of Paul, there were people in Ephesus who used idol worship to gain profit. When Christianity propererd, their religious business was hampered. People there started to riot against Paul and the Truth.

We must be very clear that the gospel is about the salvation of God and the redemption of sins. We do not use the words of God for personal gain and benefits. We preach the words so that people can reconcile with God and become His children. We are blessed to bless.

Our greatest gain is the hope of eternal life and our reconciliation with Father God. We are there ambassador of the gospel with no pursuit of personal gains.