1,2 提阿非羅大人哪,有好些人提筆作書,述說在我們中間所成就的事,是照傳道的人從起初親眼看見又傳給我們的。
3 這些事我既從起頭都詳細考察了,就定意要按着次序寫給你,
4 使你知道所學之道都是確實的。
Luke 1:1-4
Luke clearly told his readers that he wrote down the gospel after he had carefull investigated and he wanted to make an orderly account of the Truth. His account were things that were handed down by the eyewitness of our Lord, and the purpose was to make sure the readers were certain of the Truth that they were taught.
Nowadays we love searching information through internet. Yet we are often misled and we are misled and misinformed. In the same way Christians can be misled and and we become uncertain of what we believe. Luke wants us to be certain of what we believe through his careful and detail account of the Lord.
We need to stand firm in the Lord by careful and detail reading of the words of God.
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