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  讀經分享:西番雅書三章1-8節 ( Zephaniah 3:1-8 )  2023.07.20

1 這悖逆、污穢、欺壓的城有禍了!
2 她不聽從命令,不領受訓誨, 不倚靠耶和華, 不親近她的神。
3 她中間的首領是咆哮的獅子; 她的審判官是晚上的豺狼, 一點食物也不留到早晨。
4 她的先知是虛浮詭詐的人; 她的祭司褻瀆聖所, 強解律法。
5 耶和華在她中間是公義的, 斷不做非義的事, 每早晨顯明他的公義,無日不然; 只是不義的人不知羞恥。
6 我-耶和華已經除滅列國的民; 他們的城樓毀壞。 我使他們的街道荒涼,以致無人經過; 他們的城邑毀滅,以致無人, 也無居民。
7 我說:你只要敬畏我,領受訓誨; 如此,你的住處不致照我所擬定的除滅。 只是你們從早起來就在一切事上敗壞自己。
8 耶和華說:你們要等候我, 直到我興起擄掠的日子; 因為我已定意招聚列國,聚集列邦, 將我的惱怒-就是我的烈怒都傾在她們身上。 我的忿怒如火,必燒滅全地。





Zephaniah 3:1-8

This is a serious warning from God through the prophet Zephaniah. It speaks to the Jews and to us today. People are rebellious, defiled, and they refused to accept correction from God. The priest and prophets are the same. As leaders they sin and live in unrighteous ways, provoking the wrath of God.

It is exactly the same as today. The world is corruptive and refuse to accept the correction of the Lord. Christians are the same, and we follow the world instead of the way of the Lord.

The wrath of God will come and destroy us, and that will be end time. Christians, take heart and turn back to the way of God.