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  讀經分享:箴言28章13-18節 ( Proverbs 28:13-18 )  2023.07.22

13 遮掩自己罪過的,必不亨通; 承認離棄罪過的,必蒙憐恤。
14 常存敬畏的,便為有福; 心存剛硬的,必陷在禍患裏。
15 暴虐的君王轄制貧民, 好像吼叫的獅子、覓食的熊。
16 無知的君多行暴虐; 以貪財為可恨的,必年長日久。
17 背負流人血之罪的,必往坑裏奔跑, 誰也不可攔阻他。
18 行動正直的,必蒙拯救; 行事彎曲的,立時跌倒。




Proverbs 28:13-18

Confession, to most modern people, is a hard job, for it involves accepting we have made mistakes and taking responsibility. For what we have done. Yet confession is an important spiritual lesson for every Christian. What God desires is for us to confess our wrong in front of God and others, ready to take up responsibility for what we have done.

Proverbs further tells us that those who decline to admit their wrongs are those who deny responsibilities and they set a trap for further sins. Let us learn together as sinners and be ready to confess and to forgive one another in Christ.

Be courageous to deal with our wrongs before God and others, this is spirituality.