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  讀經分享:腓利門書1-7節 ( Philemon 1:1-7 )  2023.07.24

1 為基督耶穌被囚的保羅,同兄弟提摩太寫信給我們所親愛的同工腓利門,
2 和妹子亞腓亞並與我們同當兵的亞基布,以及在你家的教會。
3 願恩惠、平安從神我們的父和主耶穌基督歸與你們!
4 我禱告的時候提到你,常為你感謝我的神;
5 因聽說你的愛心並你向主耶穌和眾聖徒的信心。
6 願你與人所同有的信心顯出功效,使人知道你們各樣善事都是為基督做的。
7 兄弟啊,我為你的愛心,大有快樂,大得安慰,因眾聖徒的心從你得了暢快。



Philemon 1:1-7

Paul remembered all those he lived through prayers, for at the time he was in prison and nothing else that he could do but praying. It seems like he could only pray but prayer was our powerful spiritual weapon.

Do we really believe n the power of praying ? Does God really hear us? Though it is often that we don’t get what he pray for, but prayer is not a means to get what we want but to involve God in our lives and decisions. It is the best gifts we can give to those we love.

Praying for those we love, it is what we should do and what we can do.