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  讀經分享:路加福音18章35-43節( Luke 18:35-43 )  2023.09.18

35 耶穌將近耶利哥的時候,有一個瞎子坐在路旁討飯。
36 聽見許多人經過,就問是甚麼事。
37 他們告訴他,是拿撒勒人耶穌經過。
38 他就呼叫說:「大衛的子孫耶穌啊,可憐我吧!」
39 在前頭走的人就責備他,不許他作聲;他卻越發喊叫說:「大衛的子孫,可憐我吧!」
40 耶穌站住,吩咐把他領過來,到了跟前,就問他說: 「你要我為你做甚麼?」
41 他說:「主啊,我要能看見。」
42 耶穌說:「你可以看見!你的信救了你了。」
43 瞎子立刻看見了,就跟隨耶穌,一路歸榮耀與神。眾人看見這事,也讚美神。

瞎子兩次呼求耶穌,喊著說,大衛的兒子耶穌,可憐我吧!這是何等謙卑的一個呼求。瞎子被帶到耶穌面前,就直接的求耶穌讓他看見,他對耶穌是多麼的坦誠與相信。 瞎眼的因遇上耶穌就看見了,這是一個美好奇妙的神蹟。



Luke 18:35-43

The blind man cried out to Jesus twice saying, son of David Jesus, have mercy on me! This is such a humble plea. He was brought to Jesus and he honestly made his request in faith for Jesus to heal him so that he can see.

The blind man was able to see when he met with Jesus. This is our spiritual lesson. How often we can only see the temporary and the material gains and are unable to see the good purpose of God. When our spiritual sight is restored, we will know God and will follow him, as the blind man did.

Lord restore our spiritual sight so that we can see your will.