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  讀經分享:哥林多前書13章4-13節 ( 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 )  2023.10.05

4 愛是恆久忍耐,又有恩慈;愛是不嫉妒;愛是不自誇,不張狂,
5 不做害羞的事,不求自己的益處,不輕易發怒,不計算人的惡,
6 不喜歡不義,只喜歡真理;
7 凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。
8 愛是永不止息。先知講道之能終必歸於無有;說方言之能終必停止;知識也終必歸於無有。
9 我們現在所知道的有限,先知所講的也有限,
10 等那完全的來到,這有限的必歸於無有了。 11 我作孩子的時候,話語像孩子,心思像孩子,意念像孩子,既成了人,就把孩子的事丟棄了。
12 我們如今彷彿對着鏡子觀看,模糊不清,到那時就要面對面了。我如今所知道的有限,到那時就全知道,如同主知道我一樣。
13 如今常存的有信,有望,有愛這三樣,其中最大的是愛。 ‭‭



主耶穌,愛是恆久忍耐又有恩慈,愛是不自誇,不求自己的益處。一點微小的愛心,都能溫暖別人的心,永遠長存。 求主預備我們去行善,就是神所預備叫我們行的。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

1 Corinthians 13:4-13

Love is patient, love is kind… we can probably memorize the passage of love in Paul’s teaching. Yet we find it difficult to live them out, we think that they are mission impossible. To make it short, Paul told us that love is lowering ourselves, giving up selfishness and embracing the truth.

Conflict among people, no matter it is at home, at work or socially are caused by our pride. The bible told us love does not boast, and is not self seeking. We can see it when Jesus sacrificed and died for us, or when we have someone around loving us. All gifted service will fade in times but love lasts and warms our heart.

Little acts of love warm our heart and stay in our memory forever.