1 凡信耶穌是基督的,都是從神而生,凡愛生他之神的,也必愛從神生的。
2 我們若愛神,又遵守他的誡命,從此就知道我們愛神的兒女。
3 我們遵守神的誡命,這就是愛他了,並且他的誡命不是難守的。
4 因為凡從神生的,就勝過世界;使我們勝了世界的,就是我們的信心。
5 勝過世界的是誰呢?不是那信耶穌是神兒子的嗎?
主耶穌,從祢而來的信心使我們勝過世界,求主加給我們信心。我們知道彼此相愛不是一個口號,是基督徒的生活實踐,只是我們行不出來。 求主憐憫我們,把那上頭來源源不絕的愛賜給我們。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
1 John 5:1-5
John always emphasised the need of loving each other in his epistles. In today’s passage, he particularly pointed out the essence of this love is from our love for God and Jesus. In Him we find the source of energy and power to love and to overcome burdens and temptations of the world.
Why is it so so hard for Christians to love? It is because we do not stay close to the source of love and be connected with Him. Living in the love of God we are empowered to love. It is our source of power and ability to live differently.
Loving one another is not a slogan but acts and deeds of all Christians.
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