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  讀經分享:傳道書9章7-10節(Ecclesiates 9:7-10 )  2024.03.27

7 你只管去歡歡喜喜吃你的飯,心中快樂喝你的酒,因為神已經悅納你的作為。
8 你的衣服當時常潔白,你頭上也不要缺少膏油。
9 在你一生虛空的年日,就是神賜你在日光之下虛空的年日,當同你所愛的妻,快活度日,因為那是你生前在日光之下勞碌的事上所得的分。
10 凡你手所當作的事,要盡力去作,因為在你所必去的陰間,沒有工作,沒有謀算,沒有知識,也沒有智慧。


這段經文看似悲觀,其實是要告訴我們,就因為我們今天仍然活着,有上帝給我們的生命,我們就可以得着神給我們的分,享受祂的賜與。 有神的生命就該如此,知天命,順服神,同樣也不是在等待生命的完結,而是好好的活每一天。每一天都是神給我們的契機、享受生命的機會。我們不要奢華享受,卻可以珍惜和善用我們的時間、能力、關係。

天父,生命是神所賜的,知道其有限才會珍惜,才懂得好好的活。 願您幫助我們好好的活,求您加增我們年日,祝福我們手所做的工。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

Ecclesiates 9:7-10

The teaching of Ecclesiastes is straightforward and yet deep. The passage today asks us to recognise every stage of life and enjoy what God has given us. When life comes to the end, the opportunity will be gone.

It is not pessimistic but actively seeking. Every day is given by God as a chance to enjoy, not to indulge in luxury, but to enjoy the lot given by God. In God we learn to recognise limits and to obey. Though life is short, we are not helplessly waiting for life to pass, but actively seeking opportunity to enjoy what are given by God, our time, our energy and relationships. We don’t waste them on selfish enjoyment, but can count them as blessings and make the best use of them.

Life is given by God, when we recognise its limits, we will cherish and make the best use of it.