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  讀經分享:歷代志下20章21-26節(2 Chronicles 20:21-26 )  2024.04.19

21 約沙法既與民商議了,就設立歌唱的人,頌讚耶和華,使他們穿上聖潔的禮服,走在軍前讚美耶和華,說:當稱謝耶和華,因他的慈愛永遠長存。
22 眾人方唱歌讚美的時候,耶和華就派伏兵擊殺那來攻擊猶大人的亞捫人,摩押人,和西珥山人,他們就被打敗了。
23 因為亞捫人和摩押人起來,擊殺住西珥山的人,將他們滅盡,滅盡住西珥山的人之後,他們又彼此自相擊殺。
24 猶大人來到曠野的望樓,向那大軍觀看,見屍橫遍地,沒有一個逃脫的。
25 約沙法和他的百姓就來收取敵人的財物,在屍首中見了許多財物,珍寶,他們剝脫下來的多得不可攜帶,因為甚多,直收取了三日。
26 第四日眾人聚集在比拉迦〔就是稱頌的意思〕谷,在那裡稱頌耶和華,因此那地方名叫比拉迦谷,直到今日。




2 Chronicles 20:21-26

The king Jehoshaphat consulted his people and they decided to trust the Lord. What they did was they sang and praise the Lord when they faced with enemies. Miracles then happened, the Ammonites and Moabites first destroyed the people of Mount Seir and then they fought against each other. Without having to fight the Israelites won the battle and it took them three days to collect the plunder.

Miracle happens when we believe. When we read the passage we may wonder if it was just a story. But it actually did happen everyday. We are not encouraged to be idle not making effort. Faith comes with action and patience in waiting upon the Lord.

God can do miracles, do we believe in Him?