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  讀經分享:詩篇72篇1-7節(Psalm 72:1-7 )  2024.05.01

2 他要按公義審判你的民,按公平審判你的困苦人。
3 大山小山,都要因公義使民得享平安。
4 他必為民中的困苦人伸冤,拯救窮乏之輩,壓碎那欺壓人的。
5 太陽還存,月亮還在,人要敬畏你,直到萬代。
6 他必降臨,像雨降在已割的草地上,如甘霖滋潤田地。
7 在他的日子義人要發旺,大有平安,好像月亮長存。



神啊,祢的慈愛存到萬代,太陽還存,月亮猶在,人要敬畏祢,直到永遠。 求您將判斷權柄及公義賜給執政掌權的,為困苦人伸冤,拯救窮乏之輩,壓碎那欺壓人的。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。

Psalm 72:1-7

God’s justice and righteousness are shown through those who follow Him. Those who fear God and listen to Him will follow His words, judge and discern, and thus lead His people. This is how king Solomon prayed for himself and his sons. As the sun and the moon endure, God’s justice will endure.

We experience the leading of our Lord through different times. There are sunny days and rainy days and He is with us. When we are unfairly treated or falsely accused, we can turn to Him for He will lead through His spirit, His servants and His people.

As the sun and moon endure, our God endures and we come to Him in awe.