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  讀經分享:撒母耳記上28章3-10節 (1 Samuel 28:3-10)  2024.05.13

3 那時撒母耳已經死了,以色列眾人為他哀哭,葬他在拉瑪,就是在他本城裡。掃羅曾在國內不容有交鬼的和行巫術的人。
4 非利士人聚集,來到書念安營,掃羅聚集以色列眾人,在基利波安營。
5 掃羅看見非利士的軍旅,就懼怕,心中發顫。
6 掃羅求問耶和華,耶和華卻不藉夢,或烏陵,或先知,回答他。
7 掃羅吩咐臣僕說:當為我找一個交鬼的婦人,我好去問他,臣僕說:在隱多珥有一個交鬼的婦人。
8 於是掃羅改了裝,穿上別的衣服,帶著兩個人,夜裡去見那婦人,掃羅說:求你用交鬼的法術,將我所告訴你的死人,為我招上來。
9 婦人對他說:你知道掃羅從國中剪除交鬼的,和行巫術的,你為何陷害我的性命,使我死呢?
10 掃羅向婦人指著耶和華起誓,說:我指著永生的耶和華起誓,你必不因這事受刑。




1 Samuel 28:3-10

Saul could not get help from Samuel who had passed away. When the enemy came, he asked God for help but God did not answer him, for he had offended the Lord in the way with the Philistines before. He did not think about why God did not answer him, and confess his sins before the Lord. Instead he turned to spiritual medium to seek the help of the dead Samuel.

Saul should have known he made his previous mistake. This time it was even worse for he consulted mediums which was against the Laws of God. How do we respond when we encounter problems? Do we seek help through our own means and through ways that God dislikes?

When we have problems, turn to God, waiting, trusting and learning.