14 世上有一件虛空的事,就是義人所遭遇的,反照惡人所行的;又有惡人所遭遇的,反照義人所行的。我說,這也是虛空。
15 我就稱讚快樂,原來人在日光之下,莫強如吃喝快樂,因為他在日光之下,神賜他一生的年日,要從勞碌中,時常享受所得的。
16 我專心求智慧,要看世上所作的事,(有晝夜不睡覺,不合眼的)
17 我就看明神一切的作為,知道人查不出日光之下所作的事,任憑他費多少力尋查,都查不出來,就是智慧人雖想知道,也是查不出來。
主耶穌,祢就是神,我們要在祢裡面安穩生活,相信祢,倚靠祢。 在基督裡的一切不再是虛空,都有了意義,願我們都找到這層意義,且享受祢所賜的生命。奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Ecclesiastes 8:14-17
Life is full of unknown and uncontrollable. There are things we cannot explain and that is why the king wrote in the book of wisdom saying we cannot explain everything despite our wisdom. Under the sun, things can be meaningless.
Therefore we should learn to be wise by taking every day and cherishing every moment we have. Under the sun, we can enjoy what we are given and do what should do. That will make life meaningful and make our days count. In short true wisdom is not trying to explain life but enjoy it.
Trust God, rely on Him and live with faith.
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