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  讀經分享:出埃及記26章30-37節 (Exodus 26:30-27:8 )  2024.06.28

30 要照著在山上指示你的樣式,立起帳幕。
31 你要用藍色紫色朱紅色線,和撚的細麻,織幔子,以巧匠的手工繡上基路伯。
32 要把幔子挂在四根包金的皂莢木柱子上,柱子上當有金鉤,柱子安在四個帶卯的銀座上。
33 要使幔子垂在鉤子下,把法櫃抬進幔子內,這幔子要將聖所和至聖所隔開。
34 又要把施恩座安在至聖所內的法櫃上。
35 把桌子安在幔子外帳幕的北面,把燈臺安在帳幕的南面,彼此相對。
36 你要拿藍色紫色朱紅色線,和撚的細麻,用繡花的手工織帳幕的門簾。
37 要用皂莢木為簾子作五根柱子,用金子包裹,柱子上當有金鉤,又要為柱子用銅鑄造五個帶卯的座。




Exodus 26:30-27:8

The Israelites left Egypt and while they were in the wilderness, the Lord instructed them to build the tabernacle. This passage detailed the making of the curtain which separate the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place. It also included the building of the alter. They were both expensively designed and built.

All the building of the tabernacle reflects the heart of the people in following the will of God. Likewise building the people requires us to obey the Lord, following the clear instruction of God. There are a few chapters in the Book of Exodus regarding the building of the tabernacle, and they reflect the importance of the worship of God and the building of His body.

Building the tabernacle and the body of Christ please God and it costs.