7 耶和華阿,我用聲音呼籲的時候,求你垂聽,並求你憐恤我,應允我。
8 你說:你們當尋求我的面,那時我心向你說:耶和華阿,你的面我正要尋求。
9 不要向我掩面,不要發怒趕逐僕人,你向來是幫助我的,救我的神阿,不要丟掉我,也不要離棄我。
10 我父母離棄我,耶和華必收留我。
11 耶和華阿,求你將你的道指教我,因我仇敵的緣故引導我走平坦的路。
12 求你不要把我交給敵人,遂其所願,因為妄作見證的,和口吐兇言的,起來攻擊我。
13 我若不信在活人之地得見耶和華的恩惠,就早已喪膽了。
14 要等候耶和華,當壯膽,堅固你的心,我再說:要等候耶和華。
天父,捫心自問,今天我們在追逐什麼、尋找什麼?我們需要尋求神,需要等候神。 等候神是信心的功課,就是相信神必定臨到,叫我們經歷祂同在的愛,祂所賜的生命的光與盼望。 奉耶穌的名禱告,阿們。
Psalm 27:7-14
This passage represents the prayers of every believer. We seek the face of the Lord, for only in Him we can find peace, rescue and deliverance. When life is against us, when we are falsely accused, fall into difficult situations, we have no one to turn to but the Lord for He never forsakes us.
We may be seeking the love of the world, the recognition of others or personal achievements but the greatest comfort is indeed the presence of the Lord. His acceptance and help is our relief. What do believers pursue today? When circumstances turn against us, we need to wait upon the Lord.
Wait on the Lord is trusting Him, and we can experience the love of His presence and deliverance.
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